Bob Lazar

It seems that the people who have the most to say about Bob Lazar have never met him, much less interviewed him. Some of the most ridiculous rumors ever heard have circulated about him (see "A Word to the Wise" section). Here is some factual data for a change.

Personal Data

Age: 37

Resides in: Las Vegas, Nevada

Employment: Between December of 1988 & April of 1989 Bob worked as a physicist at area S4. Bob now earns a living from his various businesses which include: CGI (Computer Generated Imaging) & real time animation for the scientific and entertainment community. Bob is also one of the few people to privately own a mainframe, multi-processor, liquid-cooled supercomputer that he uses for this purpose. The computer is also used for real time aerodynamic simulations. Another company Bob owns has contracts with various national laboratories for design / development & repair of Alpha Radiation Detectors which are used in the manufacture of Plutonium for nuclear devices. Other businesses include a commercial photo processing lab, video editing and production facilities and a consultation business for the scientific community.


Hobbies: Bob is best known for his interest in pyrotechnics. Every year, since 1986, Bob and his friends put on a weekend fireworks party that attracts hundreds of spectators known as Desert Blast. Severe storm research is another interest of Bob's. This spring, Bob will be out with the SSR team studying thunderstorm & tornado formation in Texas & Oklahoma. Bob has also been involved in racing. He's built a 32' long jet powered dragster utilizing a surplus Westinghouse J-34 jet engine from a Navy Banshee fighter. The car is capable of speeds in excess of 400 MPH. His personal vehicle, a late model Corvette, is capable of speeds over 200 MPH, nitrous oxide injected and is completely invisible to radar.


Currently, Bob is busy developing a new, low cost, liquid bipropellant (N2O & Propane) 2,000 lb. thrust class rocket engine while also putting in some time developing small, high power, solid fuel rocket motors. These will be utilized in medium size research rockets that vary in size from about 8 feet to about 15 feet tall. Clearance to launch these high power rockets is obtained from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) so as not to interfere with normal flight operations of commercial aircraft. If you're lucky, you can catch one of these test launches at one of the dry lakebeds outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Bob Launches "TDAS 3". The solid fuel rocket lifts off from a dry lakebed outside Las Vegas, Nevada. Peak thrust is approximately 1,200 lbs. The rocket itself is about 8 feet tall and 6 inches in diameter. The exhaust flame is about 13 feet long.


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